The Color Red

santa claus. mars. corvettes. fire trucks. geraniums. ladybugs. hot pink. raggedy ann and andy. hearts. valentines. venetian glassbeads. shiraz. malbec. baked clay. holly berries. barns. port side light. sofia's hair. ruby lipstick. ruby slippers. sailor's delight. rose colored glasses. chihuly's poppies. a single red rose...i don't have a favorite color. but i gravitate towards red. all shades of red. i love red food. pizza. pasta. roasted red peppers. beets. pomegranates. radishes. strawberries. rasberries. picante sauce. i'm old enough to wear a red hat, but i don't...i really like hats...just not red ones. i like red shoes. i like red bras. i wear red lipstick. my blackberry cover is red. i have a red boat. i drive a red pick-up truck. red makes me happy. kinda' like yellow makes me happy, only sexier.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


"I dream of painting, and then I paint my dream."
~Vincent van Gogh
Define "resolution"...a dozen things come to mind...but this time of year, perhaps the first thing that comes to many, is making a New Year's Resolution, right?
A formal expression of an intention...both business and personal promises...made usually with the full knowledge that they likely will soon be broken. Of course...because they are usually promises we make to ourselves...
Sometime between dozing off to dreamland...with a smile on my face in anticipation of the day ahead...knowing I have put time aside in the coming day for time...a blank canvas and new tubes of paint....The alarm goes off...then the phone rings...and I am forced yet again to make a choice between that which I love to do: sell pretty houses...and that which I long to do: paint pretty pictures...Alas, no new year's resolution to date has made this choosing any easier...and thus another day begins in the busy life of a mild mannered real estate agent....and, like Clark Kent, I put on the suit, head to the office and keep my true identity hidden...maybe it's about time I step out of the phone booth...dressed in my red mask...and make my resolution a bit more PUBLIC!
Other definitions for RESOLUTION include:
  1. The process of distinguishing between two separate but adjacent objects or sources of light.
  2. A solution
  3. Reduction to a simpler form
  4. Firmness of purpose.

Read these definitions s l o w l y . Meditate on each one. Take them into your heart. Is it any wonder we call it, A New Year's an effort to find purpose in our lives...a simpler way to do something...a solution...

So then, tell me...Why don't we keep these self-made promises? After all, they really are all intended to make life easier...dieting, exercising, quitting bad habits...spending more time doing that which we long to do....these extend life...bring us more joy...more health...more peace of mind.

For me, in 2011, I am putting it ALL out there...I WILL be spending more time in The Red Pick-Up Truck...I will not neglect my real estate obligations, but instead I will come up with more creative and effective ways to get my job done efficiently, with joy in my heart...Then, I can paint more, and attend more art shows, and gallery openings! I WILL make the time to take a few classes at The von Liebig Art Center...I WILL, I WILL! These appointments with me will be penned in on my calendar in permanent ink, just like those scheduled showings and open houses. I WILL carry into 2011 the my passion for helping make people's real estate dreams come well as honoring my own dreams...Every single simple, huge, passionate, beautiful, indistinguishable source of light that I can dream!

Happy New Year everyone...dream big!

The Naples Art Blogger

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Who am I?

"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror. The person who shows you everything that is holding you back. The person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life."
~Elizabeth Gilbert
Above my desk at work I have this little cartoon of a dog tied to a tree with a paint brush in his paw...when he tries to reach the easel, the leash stops him just shy of getting his brush on the canvas. I've had it there for years...
I look at that cartoon each day.
It is very symbolic of the struggle I have internally: Wanting to 'break free' and just paint, and write, and take photographs, and go to art classes...yet, bound to the tree: the real world of a 30 year career in real estate which has fed me which I do very well...for which i have so much for which to be grateful for. Therein lies the rub.
I love the creative side that being Chip's partner has allowed me to pursue these past few years. The social networking...designing brochures, advertising campaigns....postcards, websites, blogging...Seldom does a real estate agent "slash" artist get to express herself, as I have been able to do these past 3 decades, in so many ways. I consider myself very fortunate. Yet, it's that canvas that I can't reach that I keep tugging towards. Here's an example: Just this week, my wonderful husband thought he would surprise me by having a sign made for the red pick up truck with my name & number, blog address and logo. He was so excited to surprise me. It was such a thoughtful gesture...the only problem is, I freaked out...completely went to pieces...I wasn't fact i don't think I have loved my husband more than at that very moment...and it made me sadder than I can even describe to disappoint him. I wasn't ready to announce that to the whole wide world. Oh, I thought I was ready...I thought I had "jumped" off the cliff---obviously I hadn't. Instead I have thought of every conceivable reason why I cannot possibly drive around town 'exposing my true identity'...I wanted a nice little magnetic know, something I could put on and take off until I was ready for something more permanent. Instead of it freeing me to be who I am, it just felt like it added more pressure for me to become The Red Pick Up ARTIST before I was really ready. I know it is fear-based. I am just plain scared. It's what I want, but I have been struggling to touch that canvas for so long, that being given permission to actually do it makes me wonder what will happen if I don't have the tree anymore...
I am blessed that Chip is my soul mate...I think I'll go paint now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Martini Glass Auction

"Painting is so poetic, while sculpture is more logical and scientific...makes you worry about gravity." ~Damien Hirst

...even the artist wore red....

...this is the glass I bid on and won!

...I love red walls.

There was a lot of excitement in the shoe department at Saks last night...
The Martini Glass Auction, held last night raised a lot of money for The Naples International Film Festival...the beautiful glasses were on display, the artists were there greeting the bidders...everyone looked so good, smelled so good...and the shoes! oh, the shoes were amazing!
laughter & energy filled the room...I was very proud of my dear friend Gina.
Gina painted 13 of the 30+ glasses being auctioned. I was thrilled to bid on and win the very first martini glass auctioned off: painted by Gina, and signed by Candace Bushnell, the creator of
Sex and the City! ~Of course, need you ask, it has shoes painted on it!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Arts in Downtown Naples

"I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious."
~Andrew Wyeth
There are so many upcoming events on the calendar for the downtown Naples area, it's almost impossible to keep up with it all! One great site to log onto to get details of what is happening is The Naples Art website. Mark your calendar now for the 2011 Lecture Series schedule. Also, the entire Studio Art Classes and Workshops are also listed on this site! One of mt most favorite events will be held at The von Liebig Art Center is the Non-Juried All Artist Members Show of Shows Exhibit and Members' Gallery Opening Show of the Season! November 6th through November 27th.
The Naples Art Festival season is kicking off its 54th season, [no wonder Naples was named best small art town in the nation] on November 6th with ART IN THE PARK! This is held on Park Street from 10 am to 4 pm and will showcase the von Liebig's member artists! The Naples Fall Fine Art & Craft Festival will be held on November 27th & 28th [see, I told you there's a lot of upcoming events]!
Have a great day,
The Naples Art Blogger

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ordering One Happy Mail

One Happy Mail To Go Please!

I remember when I was a little girl and the JC Penny and Sears Christmas Catalogs arrived. I spent hours going through every page, over and over page corners, circling items, paper clipping...dreaming, wishing...praying for the objects of my, clothes, books, stationery, new sheets [yes, and I still love picking out a new set of sheets every year at Christmastime] Over the years my Christmas list has changed a bit....more practical gifts became the norm for most of my "middle" years...crock pot, car vacuum, calgone...Now it is more important to me to make Christmas special for my is their dreams and wishes I want to see come true...BUT, [big but] something arrived in the mail yesterday...a catalog the likes of which usually gets thrown into the recycle bin before I ever get a chance to know that it ever made its way into our mailbox...I think somehow my husband knew, "Michele would probably like to browse through this catalog." He was right!

This is what I like to call "H a p p y Mail"!

It's the Blick Studio Holiday 2010 Gift Guide. Their slogan is "Artists Pick Blick"--The prices are extreeeeeemely competitive...and I've ordered from them before--the online instructions are simple...Click here to take a peek: Or you can just call their toll free number: 800.828.4548.

This artist picks Blick, and I can't wait to dog-ear a few pages...Oooooo! They have a 'gifts for kids' section! I am going to enjoy this FOR SURE...dreaming, and wishing, and praying for objects of my desire...heading home now to have a happy mail...bye!

What's on your Christmas wish list?

The Naples Art Blogger

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Underground Art Wednesday"

Sprinkled about the industrial park in North Naples one would be surprised to find an eclectic mix of artists' studios and wonderful galleries...a haven for working artists tucked back in amongst the typical industrial metal buildings and drab commercial facades....
Most folks take that drive south on Airport Road, then west on Pine Ridge without ever giving a second thought to what treasures may be discovered on those streets with names like J & C Blvd., Shirley Street and Trade Center Way. For the 33+ years that I've lived in Naples, these streets have never conjured up more than an image of an electrical supply house or tile distributor...But somewhere along the way one artist became two, and two became three, and now there are no less than a couple dozen studios and galleries...this is the North Naples Art Alliance!

Sweet Art Gallery

Last Wednesday, October 6th, I had the pleasure of attending the first "Underground Art Wednesday" of the 2010-2011 season. I was told that this is their 4th year. This unique event occurs on the first Wednesday of every month from October thru April from 6-9 PM. Typically many of the studios in the North Naples Art Alliance participate. I began the evening at Sweet Art Gallery located at 2054 Trade Center Way. I was astounded at the caliber of art on display--there is no shortage of local talent in Naples. As an example, Sharon Erbe, whom I have long admired and whose work I enjoy so completely for the joy it evokes...the movement and color in her paintings is pure happiness. She is one of the proprietor's featured artists. DeDe Sweet was warm and gracious. She pointed out immediately upon our introduction, that 'Sweet' is her real name---and it fits her too a T! She is so passionate about her gallery and 'her' featured artists! I was especially struck by the work of one up and coming painter, Juan Diaz. I absolutely want him to be one of the very first local artist that I interview for this blog!

I invite all art lovers, decorators and designers to the next "Underground Art Wednesday" on November 3rd...and please look for the red pick-up truck in the parking lot because I'll be there!

Here are a few shots from inside Sweet Art Gallery!

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Seeing Red!

Look around you...there are amazingly ordinary beautiful things in ALL shades of  red for your eyes to behold! These photos were taken while looking up at a canvas cover at a sidewalk cafe'. When was the last time you "saw red" and it felt this good?

Tell me, what do YOU see in these pictures?

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Guess Who?

Guess Who?

Any idea who this future artist might be? Well, if you guessed that it's me, you are correct! This painting was done by an artist in New York City in 1959. His name is Francesco Bologna. It is signed by him on the back, which i found very interesting. I was told that his brother is Joseph, who is a movie actor---you may have heard of him. I tried to "Google" him, but couldn't find anything. We actually have two paintings done by him. The other one is of a clown, which now is hanging in my son Rocky's house. [I need to take a photo of it the next time I'm there]. My father did not like this painting at all. Like most daddies, he thought I was prettier than this interpretation. My Uncle Art however, loved this painting, and so my parents gave it to him. My uncle returned this picture to me during his very last visit to see me here in Naples. He told me that over the years, everytime he moved into a new home, this was the very first thing he ever hung on a wall. Uncle Art died last year...Now everytime I look at this painting I think of him...I love the fact that Francesco "put" me in a smock. My mother tells me that when I posed for this picture I was in a dress with a white collar. I think this is much more "Rembrandtesque", and makes me look like the little artist that I was back know, before someone told me that tree barks couldn't be purple... 

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Is Your Color Personality?

Red symbolizes passion, love, action, courage,
Did you know? It is the 'warmest' color?
Did you know wearing a red accessory can boost your confidence? 
Decorating a room in neutrals, then adding a red pillow, draws the attention to the pillow immediately!
It is said that the color red has more personal associations than any other color...

Some people believe that red is the first color a baby sees.
Red is the color associated with the 'root chakra'...the root chakra deals with life at the level of practicality.
Red red red red red red.......

So, we know red is high-energy, blue is calming, yellow projects warmth and happiness...but, do you think your attraction to a color means you have the same qualities? After the litany of adjectives above, I'd like to think so...
There are many color quizzes; all a lot of fun to take...I personally like the ones on Squidoo! Log onto  !! Let me know what your results are. I'll post my results as well!

Thanks, and have a great day!
The Red Pick-Up Artist

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Ok, I'm doing it....wait a i go...I am leaping...right on the edge more step...deep breath..."Geronimo!"

"I am an artist."
...and, I love the color red!

I don't have a favorite color...I love all colors! However, when I think of what color moves me---truly moves me...what color I gravitate is red. 

Silence is holy. divine messages can be heard in the silence. sweet spiritual connections. creative ideas. ssshhhhhhhhhhh...

~Recently, during a Silent Saturday at Unity, I began journaling about what it means to keep a true thought led to another, which led to another...words came to me faster than i could write--but, when i was was very clear to me: I had to tell people my secret. I am an artist.
Oh, I know what you're thinking..."Michele has always loved to paint...take art classes, write poetry, take photos, make presents, decorate boxes, arrange flowers..." 
But, this isn't what I'm taking about--I'm talking about having the courage to actually affirm, with absolute truth, that in addition to being a wife, daughter, mother, mimi, friend, volunteer, real estate agent---that maybe even above all else...I am an artist!
~this is my way of saying thank you to God...and--This blog is being created to affirm that statement: "I AM an Artist"!.

Of course, I will write about art...
I will write about art shows. art walks. art galleries. art openings. art auctions.
art in Naples. art in New York. art in Paris. art in wherever-art-is.
I will write about other artists. other artists' work. other artists' blogs.

The red-thing just happened during that same silent meditation...spirit spoke to me...said, hey Michele, you love the color are drawn to it. it makes you happy. it is a strong, passionate color. it motivates you. [I added that]
--Then I had this funny vision of myself cruising around town in Chip's bright red pick-up truck with these massive paint brushes hanging off the thing you know I'm jotting down all the things in the world that i love that are red...I'm beginning to 'see red' everywhere I look...I mean, the world is mostly blue and green...and when you 'see red' it really gets your attention: tail lights, stop signs, no u-turns, exit signs, the flag on a mail-box...I sketched the Red Pick-Up Artist logo in minutes...zooooommm! I was off!

So, the whole thing makes perfect sense to me. I am a creative being.
I want to share and express my love of art...and other artists love of art...amen.

I hope you will come along for the ride!