The Color Red

santa claus. mars. corvettes. fire trucks. geraniums. ladybugs. hot pink. raggedy ann and andy. hearts. valentines. venetian glassbeads. shiraz. malbec. baked clay. holly berries. barns. port side light. sofia's hair. ruby lipstick. ruby slippers. sailor's delight. rose colored glasses. chihuly's poppies. a single red rose...i don't have a favorite color. but i gravitate towards red. all shades of red. i love red food. pizza. pasta. roasted red peppers. beets. pomegranates. radishes. strawberries. rasberries. picante sauce. i'm old enough to wear a red hat, but i don't...i really like hats...just not red ones. i like red shoes. i like red bras. i wear red lipstick. my blackberry cover is red. i have a red boat. i drive a red pick-up truck. red makes me happy. kinda' like yellow makes me happy, only sexier.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Guess Who?

Guess Who?

Any idea who this future artist might be? Well, if you guessed that it's me, you are correct! This painting was done by an artist in New York City in 1959. His name is Francesco Bologna. It is signed by him on the back, which i found very interesting. I was told that his brother is Joseph, who is a movie actor---you may have heard of him. I tried to "Google" him, but couldn't find anything. We actually have two paintings done by him. The other one is of a clown, which now is hanging in my son Rocky's house. [I need to take a photo of it the next time I'm there]. My father did not like this painting at all. Like most daddies, he thought I was prettier than this interpretation. My Uncle Art however, loved this painting, and so my parents gave it to him. My uncle returned this picture to me during his very last visit to see me here in Naples. He told me that over the years, everytime he moved into a new home, this was the very first thing he ever hung on a wall. Uncle Art died last year...Now everytime I look at this painting I think of him...I love the fact that Francesco "put" me in a smock. My mother tells me that when I posed for this picture I was in a dress with a white collar. I think this is much more "Rembrandtesque", and makes me look like the little artist that I was back know, before someone told me that tree barks couldn't be purple... 

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