The Color Red

santa claus. mars. corvettes. fire trucks. geraniums. ladybugs. hot pink. raggedy ann and andy. hearts. valentines. venetian glassbeads. shiraz. malbec. baked clay. holly berries. barns. port side light. sofia's hair. ruby lipstick. ruby slippers. sailor's delight. rose colored glasses. chihuly's poppies. a single red rose...i don't have a favorite color. but i gravitate towards red. all shades of red. i love red food. pizza. pasta. roasted red peppers. beets. pomegranates. radishes. strawberries. rasberries. picante sauce. i'm old enough to wear a red hat, but i don't...i really like hats...just not red ones. i like red shoes. i like red bras. i wear red lipstick. my blackberry cover is red. i have a red boat. i drive a red pick-up truck. red makes me happy. kinda' like yellow makes me happy, only sexier.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Me" Time

Superman: "Easy miss, I've got you."
Lois: You--You've got me? Who's got you?"
Sometime between dozing off to dreamland at night...with a smile on my face in anticipation of the day ahead...knowing I have put time aside for me..."me time", the alarm goes off...the phone rings...and again a choice is made between that which I love to do: sell houses...and that which I long to do: paint! Alas, it is generally much easier for me to say 'no' to me...and thus another day begins in the busy life of a Naples real estate agent...Like Clark Kent, I put on the suit, head to the office...keeping that true identity hidden...shhhhhhhhhhh!
And so today, to nurture that artist within...when all the real estate blogging, emailing, calling, brochure making, showing homes, checking on listings, ad deadlines, postcard mailing, website managing duties are done--you will find the Red Pick-Up Truck at the Preview Reception at The von Liebig Art Center. There I will breathe in the works of Mathias J. Alten and Terry Krumm...I will enjoy my fellow members exhibition in the Members Gallery where I hope someday to display my own painting or photograph...As always, I will be inspired and I will go home again...hoping for that 'me time'!
No matter who you are or what you do...whether you are the one falling, or the one high, and make it a wonderfully creative, inspiring day.
The Naples Art Blogger

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